Agora's research outputs are framed around a set of guiding principles, and we encourage all prospective writers to take time to read our content guidelines.

Our content guidelines will always be available on our website, and provided to writers. This is because we aim to be transparent about what we do and do not publish. We also believe that sharing content guidelines helps to clarify and navigate the editing process, as well as ensuring we maintain a level of consistency and quality in our published content.

Agora publishes work which is:

  • Related to foreign policy or international affairs;
  • On topics of relevance or interest to the UK and its policy makers;
  • Falls within the scope of one of our Research Programmes;
  • Says something original or thought-provoking, by either highlighting an
    under-reported issue or adding a new perspective to a better known one; and
  • Is well researched, intelligently argued, and well written.

We strongly encourage prospective writers to take time to review our website for examples of previously published work.

All content submitted to Agora is judged on the merits of the ideas it contains and the language used to express them, and never on the background or identity of the writer.

If you have questions about our content guidelines, how to write for us, or want to begin the process of submitting to us, you can email the relevant Research Programme

We kindly request that you do not email completed copies of work to Heads of Research Programmes, particularly if you have not reviewed our content guidelines. Please also ensure you direct your expression of interest/questions to the relevant Research Programme.