Become a member

Do you want to be more closely involved in Agora, feel part of the Agora family, or just support our think tank so that we can continue to bring innovative and fresh ideas to UK foreign policy? Become a member!

Sign up to become a member here

Membership is £20 for the year, and 100% of all membership fees are invested into our activities.


We are interested in hearing from bright and motivated people who want to join our team. Being part of our team provides a great opportunity for those wanting to gain work experience and build valuable skills in a foreign policy-focused charitable organisation. 

Our roles are designed to be undertaken outside of work or study. However, we do ask that our team contribute at least five hours per week on average to Agora, so please only contact us if you’re willing to commit to this on an ongoing basis.

Please note that unless otherwise stated, all roles are fully voluntary.

When applying for an open position, please ensure that you read the attached description in full and follow the guidance for submitting applications.

We are open to hearing from volunteer requests, but please note we receive a high volume of emails so we will not be in a position to respond immediately.

The following roles are currently available:

Treasurer - Applications are being reviewed on a rolling basis.

Member, Working Group on Europe - Applications are now open, please review the call.

Member, Working Group on Transatlantic Relations - Applications are now open, please review the call.



If you would like to support our work in opening up foreign policy to a wider audience in the UK, then you can make donations. Please e-mail [email protected] for details.

We are extremely grateful for any donations received.